Tag: 4. Januar 2011


Photolessons Fieldtrips

4. Januar 2011

Snapshots of the Photolessons fieldtrips

Better late than never – here are my snapshots I took during the fieldtrips of the first Photolessons in Nürnberg. It was great fun to be with you folks!

Fieldtrip „Portrait“

The weather was not really perfect for taking portraits, but with a bit of humor everybody accepted the typical german autumn day. To my surprise after a while I found a part of the class in the Cinecitta with café and cheesecake! 🙂


Fieldtrip „Architecture“

A nice day to spend inside ;-). So we had a save place in the Germanischen Nationalmuseum. And nice for photographing, too…


Fieldtrip „Nature“

We picked an especially warm November day for this definetely outside excursion. Even Fred, who is from Brasil, appeared in t-shirt!
(These snapshots were all taken by my daughter Anja)


Fieldtrip „Night“

It was really cold that evening! I even sent to every participant the gold medal of the „pinguin-club.“ 🙂



Grundlagen Fotokurs Exkursion “Nacht”

Exkursion des „Grundlagen“ Fotokurses zum Thema  “Nacht”

Am 18. November trafen wir uns zu unserer Nachtexkursion am Tiergärtnertor Platz. Es war schon etwas „frisch,“ was aber dem Interesse und der Laune keinen Abbruch tat. Als wir dann noch geblitzte Aufnahmen von Sprüngen machten, war -glaube ich- die Kälte vergessen ;-). Hier nun – etwas verspätet –  die Bilder des Abends:


Und hier noch meine Schnappschüsse des Abends: